Thursday, October 28, 2010

Guest Designer Ingvild Bolme

The very lovely  Ingvild has been busy again and has created the most gorgeous layout.  The following layout was created for a magazine in France for a 'childrens games' theme. 

On the picture you can see Ingvild's daughter jumping into a square in hopscotch. She's playing with her friend who is holding the stone and waiting for her turn to throw and jump. The layout has the title "Playtime" (WD11), the Picket Fence Border (BD10) and a Decorative Photo Corner (PC02).

And here are some close-ups:

The Playtime word has been randomly covered with Ranger Stickles...what a fabulous result!!!

I just love the detail that Ingvild has in her work, I can look at one of her creations for ages...and still discover a new element!

Thank you so much Ingvild for sharing your creations with us...I look forward to sharing your next piece of work on the 11th of November!


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