First off, I apologise for being late with this post!!! Ive been wanting to share a layout I created using one of Nicole Pomeroy's Charli Birds, and the lower case Impact alpha's. I know I have used these faaaaaaaaabulous birds before, but I do so loooove them!!! :) :) :)
As you can see from the close up I have used the same technique as I did with the Monday post DT Reveal - Birds. It is a gorgeous effect, and I have already had an inquiry from one of our fabulous followers re the glimmer mist, and no it doesn't rub off :) :) :). I've used the same colour Glimmer mist to colour the LC Impact alphas.
And here is a full image of the layout.
Well that is all from me this week Scrapware wise, I do hope you have had a great weekend. Remember if you are interested in the Scrapware goodness you have seen, get your LSS to contact Ange, and or to 'go shopping' LOL.
Cheers and Happy Scrapware Scrapping,
Lou :) :) :)
Just to cute!